
A little knowledge of Chinese visa

















A Chinese visa is a permit issued by the Chinese visa authorities to foreigners to appear or pass through the camera. The Chinese visa authorities issue corresponding visas to foreigners according to their identity and purpose of coming to China, what are the Chinese visas?

Chinese visa category is divided into diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, official visa, ordinary visa.

Ordinary visas are classified into the following categories and are Pinyin with the corresponding letters:

(1) C- visa, issued to international Car attendant, crews of international aircraft, crew members and accompanying families of crew members of ships engaged in international voyages and drivers of motor vehicles engaged in international road transport.

(2) D-visa for Chinese settlers.

(3) F-visa for entry into Hong Kong for exchange, visits, study tours, lectures, business and short-term studies and internships not exceeding six months.

(4) G-visas shall be issued to persons in transit through China.

(5) J 1- visas shall be issued to resident foreign correspondents of resident foreign news agencies in China, and J 2- visas shall be issued to foreign correspondents who have entered China for short-term reporting.

(6) L-type visas shall be issued to persons entering the country for tourism or other private affairs; group L-type visas may be issued to persons entering the country for tourism in the form of a group.

(7) the M-visa shall be issued to persons entering the country for commercial and trade activities.

(8) Q 1- visas, to be issued to family members of Chinese citizens applying for entry and stay in China for family reunification and to family members of foreigners with permanent residence status in China, as well as to persons applying for entry and stay in China for reasons such as foster care; Q 2- visa issued to relatives of Chinese citizens residing in China who apply for entry for short-term visits and relatives of foreigners with permanent residence status in China.

(9)R-visas shall be issued to foreign high-level talents in need of the country and to specialized talents in urgent need.

(10) the S 1- visa shall be issued to the spouses, parents, children under the age of 18, and parents of the spouses of foreigners who apply for entry to China for long-term visits for reasons of work, study, etc. , as well as persons who need to stay in China for other private affairs; the S 2- visa is issued to family members of aliens who apply for entry for short-term visits and are staying in China for work, study or other reasons, and persons who need to stay in China for other private affairs.

(11) X-1 visa for long-term study in China and X-2 visa for short-term study in China.

(12) Z-visa issued to persons who hold office or take up employment in China.



Finally, let us advertise that we are a professional organization that handles visas for foreigners to come to China. We can apply for work visas, residence permits, family members with visas, PU invitation letters, confirmation letters for foreign high-end talents, foreign material translation and other foreign business in China. TEL: 18298364353(same as wechat)

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